

The importance of early development and the basic principles of the program

Online lecture!

"The importance of early development and the basic principles of the program."

The lecture will be led by Nabo Kajaia - Occupational Therapist, Early Development Specialist.

The following topics will be discussed at the lecture:

- Why it is important to implement therapy in the natural environment
- Involvement of the parent and the social environment
- The role of the program in the transition process in kindergarten / school
- Who and how can be involved in the program

Interested parties have the opportunity to leave your questions for the speaker under the post, leave us in the form of comments, or write to us in the private messages of the page.

Attendance at the lecture is completely free and will take place through LIVE on the Ken Walker Clinic Facebook page.

The engagement takes place on April 23, at 5:00 p.m.

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