

ყველას აქვს განათლების მიღებისა და მისი ფორმის არჩევის უფლება

(საქართველოს კონსტიტუცია, მუხლი N27)

Ken Walker Clinic offers educational services in a variety of areas.

For specialists

Training of specialists envisages 3 main directions:

1. Professional development of employees

The clinic helps professionals obtain information about existing or new types of therapeutic approaches, research, evaluations or interventions. The clinic also hosts monthly meetings to discuss case studies, workflow conclusions, research findings, and more.

2. Accredited and general training services, hosting local and international conferences.

The clinic offers training modules, workshops and conferences. Training is conducted by local or foreign specialists in various fields. At the same time, for professional growth, the clinic holds workshops and hosts local or international conferences. The purpose of workshops or conferences is to share valuable and up-to-date information among professionals, which in turn will help to introduce new approaches and therapeutic processes into practice.

3. Clinical practice

Students (language and speech, physical, occupational therapists, psychologists or rehabilitation specialists) or recent specialists are given the opportunity to be actively involved in the training and professional development process under the supervision of specialists.

For parents and family members

The more a parent or family member is involved in a child's development, the more likely a child is to succeed in a habilitation-rehabilitation program. Involvement of parents implies their active participation in all stages of the child's rehabilitation, in particular, during the planning, implementation and re-evaluation of the program. However, this process is complicated if the parent does not have enough knowledge or information about issues related to their child's health.

To help families of the children, the clinic offers the following types of services:

1. Individual consultation

All specialists at the Ken Walker Clinic conduct individual consultations. In addition, we offer a one-time consultation and evaluation service to all interested parties.

2. Group workshops

The Ken Walker Clinic offers parents monthly workshops with our or invited specialists. During the meetings, various issues of interest to parents are discussed in detail. Parents of all children are actively involved in multidisciplinary team meetings, during which specialists discuss the results of therapies and the action plan.

For the public

The clinic seeks to raise public awareness on a variety of issues, including: the need for highly qualified specialists and the promotion of their development; The need of rehabilitation / habilitation and the accessibility; Adaptation of the environment, individual provision of aids, etc.

To promote relevant education in the community, the clinic uses the following strategies:

1. Create and disseminate accessible information materials

The clinic constantly offers the public up-to-date, evidence-based information (brochure, leaflet or article) about existing or new services; Additionally publishes new educational-informational video material on the web or Facebook page, which is topical or arouses great public interest.

Clinic staff and specialists visit TV or radio programs and discuss various topics of interest to the public.

2. Conducting and hosting local and international conferences

Local and foreign specialists in various fields conduct trainings and conferences on various topics of interest to the public. The purpose of the meetings is to raise public awareness on specific issues and share updates.

3. Conducting and participating in local and international studies

The Ken Walker Clinic is constantly conducting research to identify and address a variety of issues. The specialists of the clinic are regularly participating in international studies, which allows them to steadily receive new, valuable information and share the results obtained in Georgia with the international community.

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