Ken Walker Clinic Physical Therapist since 2021
Specialized In evaluation and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal system injuries, physical therapy of preoperative and postoperative patients, and rehabilitation management.
Education: Tbilisi State Medical University, Bachelor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, English sector
He has undergone the following trainings in order to improve his qualifications:
ACL REHABILITATION from Injury To Return To play
Course on Low back Pain and Sciatica
International Diploma in Myofascial Cupping
IASTM (International Diploma in Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation)
International Diploma in Dry Needling/ Medical Acupuncture
Diploma in trigger point therapy
FIFA Diploma in Football Medicine 2023
course on ACL Injury Prevention
Kinesiology Taping diploma
Rehabilitation post and after hip arthroplasty - a training course curated by Gail Fredhoff-Bohman.