

The complex rehabilitation of Mrs. Eliko Khokhashvili at the Ken Volker Clinic was financed by the universal healthcare program.

The lady suffered a stroke in October 2022. After the clinical functional assessment of the patient, an outpatient rehabilitation therapy course was planned and carried out, positive functional dynamics were revealed: in terms of improving balance, he can walk independently without a crutch, the range of motion and strength in his limbs has increased. Maximum independence in terms of transfer. Improved cognitive functions, has positive dynamics in terms of memory and speech.

As Mrs. Eliko says, "I suffered a stroke in October, it was difficult for me to move. I was treated at the first university clinic, but after the treatment I still had difficulty moving. I walked with a cane, then I read about the rehabilitation center on social media, I applied to the clinic, I received state funding, and I have been going to the clinic for the third month, the result It's on your face. A stroke is not a sentence! So don't be afraid of a stroke."

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